Glucose Log Sheets

By | March 10, 2023

Glucose Log Sheets

Need a log sheet? You should get a copy at each visit or request the laboratory to send you a copy, any informational newsletter you should have information for all the members of your diabetes care team as well as a list of questions regarding your diabetes. You should not ignore even calendar sheets with all your medical arrangements.

If you are down with type2 diabetes, the importance of monitoring and keeping track of blood glucose levels are fully known to you. You can use glucose log sheets. For this purpose you can enter your blood glucose reading into each box. Glucose log sheet is a part and parcel in managing your diabetes chart. The chart should include a total and correct list of all your medicines along with their strength in detail.

English_Weekly Logbook glucose sheet

In managing diabetes chart and glucose log sheet you should not forget to include recommended items as well as the medicine that are not prescribed including vitamins, minerals and herbs in your use. In case you are visiting more one doctors and they have suggest other medicines, all these recommended items be included in you chart so your doctor may get aware what you have done during the time he was not available. The chart must include all your activities regarding you are taking and what are side effects or warning sign may arise. You should take care of your body and should not use anything about which you are not fully aware. Log sheet should include also side effects or abnormal symptoms that you assumed may attach to your medications. This exercise will help you when you talk your doctor next time.

Glucose log sheet is very helpful to arrange a running list of questions that may arise in your mind regarding your disease and you ask your team of doctors. For a patient it is sometimes not easy to keep in mind the questions that are important to ask due to nervousness or any untoward condition. Sometimes he is not clear what he asking due to a special stress on his mind. To cope with this situation it is important o maintain a log sheet where all such things can be written and can be presented to concerned doctor. You should give top priority to the most important question for answer. If you could not complete your list of important questions, you may make another appointment to get answer of the remaining questions.

You as a patient of diabetes should not forget to make preparation the night before the appointment. The thing you should not forget to take with you is your chart, your blood glucose meter as well as your logbooks. Remember, you’re a sole in charge of your care. So make sure to manage everything very carefully to control your diabetes. You should keep in mind that caring of diabetes is your own and sole responsibility as it is the matter of life and death. The accomplishment of this mission is your hands.

English_Weekly Logbook glucose sheet

