Goal Setting Planner Templates

By | March 19, 2020


Goal Setting Planner Templates


Some key points we would like you to know.

Proper goal setting is almost without question the best tangible tool we know of for achievement. Human beings are truly goal-oriented creatures and that is why we are taught to have goals. Read any success book or story and you will find the author talking about goals. Goals are essential to life. Our parents tell us, our leaders tell us, our preachers tell us, our teachers tell us.

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Goals are the fuel of life. They are our dreams and passions worked out in a tangible form. Consider Roger Bannister who performed the amazing feat of breaking the 4-minute mile when medical experts said humans were not capable of running at those speeds. Henry Ford for producing the supposedly impossible design of the V-8 engine.



Thomas Alva Edison who became the world’s greatest inventor with only 3 months of formal schooling and said “Genius is one percent inspiration and ninety-nine percent perspiration.” as he tried no fewer than 6,000 vegetable growths, and ransacked the world for the most suitable filament material to create the light bulb.

Consider the athletes, artists and business persons whose goals are clear and found the motivation, perseverance, and determination to achieve what they wanted.

Good things happen to those who know exactly what they want. Achieving goals is not a problem. As goal-oriented creatures, we always reach our goals. The problem is being clear on what it is we want and what we do in order to get there. Most people never clearly define their goals so they just end up somewhere.

If it doesn’t matter to you where you end up, the things you acquire or the person you become then you do not need to set goals. If you are one who desires to be the most you can be then you must clearly identify your goals and set those which are most important to you. The purpose of this planner is not to load your schedule with 100 things to do or to get you so overly focused on one specific goal that other important things slip by without attention but to:

learn and master the art of goal setting.

clearly identify and prioritize your goals and values.

set those that are most important.

learn planning, task and time management.

create balanced schedules that allow for flexibility and keep important things first.

Few people really know how to actually write a set of goals that can keep them balanced, productive and effective in life. The claims are that only 3-5% actually write goals and plans and everybody seems to work for them. These are people who understand inspirational goals that produce vision, mission, and power. Everybody else has general goals that do little but keep one going day in and day out.

Sample Templates

